Why does Google hate me?

Why does Google hate me?

Tired of being told by SEO companies that you need some new, shiny, different tactic to ‘fix’ your website, rankings, and traffic?

Every 6-12 months you are told how this ‘new’ solution will get you back into Google’s favor and remove your website’s latest algorithm update penalty, making everything good again, right? That must be getting expensive and frustrating.

Shouldn’t the solution be to stop doing things that get your site penalized in the first place

We are built on the fundamental belief that search engine optimization is actually customer intent optimization. Why?

Because search engines are not your revenue source, people are.

Search engines are like GPS; our job is to make sure your address is listed with lots of roads and route options.  We prefer to understand who your customers are, where they are coming from, why they are coming, when they are coming, and what they are coming for. Instead of hacking the GPS, we want to get the address correct and keep the roads clear and in working order.


Your customers are your life line. We understand that. We set out to learn everything about your customer so that we can get on their level. We want to know who they are, what they want, where they hang out…. Okay, we won’t stalk them. Well, maybe a little.


How can you cultivate raving fans if you don’t understand them or what gets them excited? We focus on building an experience that is appealing to your audience that they want to interact with. Simply put, we look to identify and inspire those who will engage with your brand.


Our search strategy is based on developing resources that address your client’s wants and needs, while making sure that the information is accessible. We aim to build your reputation as a leading authority in your vertical to encourage brand trustworthiness and to increase your share of voice.


The SEO industry changes constantly. Your customers change too. Why should your marketing strategy stay stagnant? We are continuously monitoring and optimizing to be sure our strategies are benefiting your bottom line.


A marketer without analytics is like the blind leading the blind. We are part of your team so we want you to be comfortable holding us accountable. Measurable success metrics allow us to analyze in-depth data to ensure your success.

Reaim Consulting Group