
Digital Marketing Information

Having great traffic numbers to your website is a huge accomplishment. Spending time, money, and other resources on your rankings and increasing the number of visitors your site is receiving can be frustrating though when you experience a high bounce rate or very low click through numbers from your home page. Enter stage left, User Experience and User Interface (UX/UI). There are far too many specific reasons...

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With hundreds of millions of people reading blogs every month, what are you doing to capture their attention? If your company isn’t creating content for potential customers to consume, your competition is. Content creation (see: blogging), is absolutely crucial for building an inbound marketing strategy. Not surprisingly, 90% of organizations market specifically with content and spend over 25% of their marketing budget on creating content.(demand metric)...

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Your website is like your front line on the web. Visitors will determine within only a few seconds whether they will continue looking around your site, or whether they will go back to Google and try a different result. Luckily, there are several tips to follow for website design to ensure that your users have a good experience. Simplicity Rules This may sound straight forward, but many...

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Office rental web design Venice FL

As a small or medium business owner, you probably have heard that you need to do online marketing at least a few times by now. More than likely, you are a localized business that depends on foot traffic, long term repeat customers, as well as new customers. Although information on local search engine optimization is easy to come by, it can be hard to figure...

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With so many industry specific terminologies for online marketing, it’s not surprising that many small through large business owners get lost in the confusion. If you find yourself looking over an SEO proposal and can’t make sense of it, then this article is for you. Articles, checklists and how to’s written to help guide you through do-it-yourself search engine optimization won’t be of any help either...

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What SEO’s may not tell you about Organic Optimization Regardless of what you have heard from other SEO’s, there is actually a downside to organic search. The wait. Luckily, the patience is not without reward. Organic search results take time to cultivate. Just as anything else that is of great value, it is worth the wait. There are plenty of other online marketing tactics that have obvious...

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The latest social networking craze to hit the scene may not be as popular as Facebook or Twitter, but it’s getting there—and it shouldn’t be ignored. In June 2012, the Experian Hitwise report ranked Pinterest #4 in social media trends. Considering it fell at #5 only six months prior, it is definitely a rising trend worth keeping an eye on. For those not yet familiar, Pinterest...

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Reaim Consulting Group